Is it not great to be able to tell your  life story said via unique image that represents you best?

It looks like from 31th of March 2012  we will all have to switch our current Facebook pages to the new format and implement our own Facebook timeline stories.

When doing so make sure that your timeline cover - the first thing people see when they visit your timeline is spot on. Open up your Photoshop and design the best cover ever, as seen below :

If you need some inspiration Google the best ones.

Place events, milestones and other important events from your life, share and comment on your own and friends wall posts, listen to the music together with your friends. Decide what to highlight and simply engage with new Facebook timeline.

Express yourself through various easily accessible apps, including my favourite Pinterest.

Whatever you do on your new Facebook timeline remember to make a good use of the new Facebook timeline dimensions: 

Is then new Facebook timeline for better of for worse?

Above shown eye tracking study shows that :

  • As already mentioned Facebook Timeline cover photos get noticed first. 
    However, Facebook Timeline profile photo gets still far more attention than the actual Facebook cover.
  • Facebook "sponsored stories get noticed more in Facebook Timeline. Ads got noticed by 63% users of new Facebook.
  • New Facebook Timeline  makes see personal information such as employer and location quicker then the old Facebook format. Viewers looks at them approximately for  2.2 seconds which is a bit longer in comparison with the old Facebook format where they spend approximately only 1.6 seconds looking at these.
  • In both the new and old versions of MySpace, top photos are noticed first and viewers spent the most time looking at them.
  • The New MySpace makes our music related activities more prominent.97% of users noticed the section of songs to click on to play in the new profile, whereas only 53% noticed them in the old Facebook profile.
  • Profile information is easier to find in the new Twitter.
So it looks like implementing Facebook Timeline was an activity meant to be "for better", both for users and businesses (to advertise and present themselves - Facebook Fan Pages).

I cannot wait to see my SEO-girl Facebook Page converted to the new format :-) it will look certainly much neater.